Mateso OR: How passwords are underestimated

IT security that everyone can understand – is that even possible? Mateso (passwordsafe) shows you how. They are active in the field of IT security (focus on password security / enterprise solutions) for, among others, 20 of the 40 DAX companies. This makes them one of the most relevant players in this segment. In addition to supporting major customers, it was also necessary to ensure the satisfaction of medium-sized customers. The major challenge here was to make the topic of IT security tangible and understandable for everyone and to highlight the company’s unique selling points.
By positioning the C-level in relevant media on holistic topics, it was possible to appeal to a broad specialist audience. In addition, a very target group-oriented USP communication strategy was implemented. This made it possible to filter out Mateso’s unique selling points and make them visible, which generated a very high level of interest both within and outside the specialist community.

The results are impressive! It turned out that even a subject as specialized as IT security could not only find a place in trade and industry media, but also achieve C-level positioning in national business and daily newspapers. Thanks to this targeted strategy, Mateso succeeded in launching 65+ publications in print/online/radio and TV.
65 +Redaktionelle Artikel
310 Mio. +Reichweite
75 %Stand-alone Artikel