Rabitz Property Consulting, or: first-class luxury real estate

Accusations of land sealing, referendums for the expropriation of housing groups or the endless debate on rent control: no sector in the German capital of Berlin is criticized as much as the real estate sector. Even the “poor” rich in the luxury real estate sector are regularly subjected to heated discussions. The strategic and challenging communicative approach was to successfully position the luxury real estate agent Peter Rabitz, who operates in a field of tension between competitors, hostility and conflict.
In order to crystallize the maximum from the individual and the company, the most promising PR path brands were determined early on based on clear questions: What potential is there in an international career with stations in the luxury markets of the USA and Switzerland? Which macro and micro topics are most likely to be convincing in the media? Which ad-hoc news from the real estate industry can lead to success using agile mechanisms in coordination? These and other points laid the foundation for the proactive media approach.

Continuous and persistent approaches from specialist, business and top media strengthened brand and thought leadership over the course of several months. Short-term coordination channels and intelligent content creation created a now indispensable label in Berlin as a real estate location within a few months. The high number of qualitative contributions also shows that real estate entrepreneur Peter Rabitz is positioning himself far beyond his own business model. The expert status he had already created was thus further consolidated.
470000 €AVE
93.75 %Stand-alone Article
95.3 Mio.Reach
16 +Publications per year